Peshmerga - Those Who Face To Death
Bapstian Training camp is located to the north-eastern mountains of Kurdistan region of Iraq . The place isn’t far from the Iranian and Turkish borders. The camp was established in 1991 by the Kurdish Army called Peshmerga. Peshmerga means: those who face to death (Die For Freedom). Between 2014 and 2018 in the battles against ISIS (DAESH) their well-organized troops proved their name aren’t empty words in the world . In liquidation of ISIS the first steps were done by Peshmergas in Kurdistan Region then in Iraqi and Syrian territories. They were who helped to capture Saddam Hussein in 2003. The Peshmerga Army has female section which was really feared by ISIS. According to the terrorist group belief dying by a man in the battle is a glory, by a woman is a shame. At the same time 1200 people are training in Bapstian Camp. During the four months training they learn everything what a Peshmarga (Kurdistani Soldiers) needs to know from the use of guns until ambush techniques.